Artikel mit dem Tag "atelier textur"

Tage des offenen Ateliers in Würzburg!
NEWS · 04. Oktober 2022
Die Vorbereitungen laufen auf Hochtouren! KOMMT VORBEI! Am 15. und 16. Oktober sind die Tage des offenen Ateliers in Würzburg! An diesem Wochenende öffnen wir zum ersten Mal unsere Ateliersgemeinschaft ALTE ZIGARRENFABRIK für Besucher:innen. 😬🙈🥳 Wir liefern euch Einblicke in unser Schaffen + eine kleine Ausstellung + Kunst im ganzen Haus + 🎞 Filmvorführungen 🎞 + Sekt oder Mate zum Anstoßen. 🥂
NEWS · 01. September 2022
One week in the Danish forest with other beyond-human designers... The second part of the I.N.S.E.C.T. Summercamp was titled: "Towards Multispecies Worldings as an Everyday Design Practice" and suggests a new design movement that is currently manifesting in academia. The idea of the I.N.S.E.C.T. team to create a temporal and physical space for co-creation turned out to be an adventure. I had the honor to lead the Documentations group and collect some videographic impressions. For now, I don't...

Visual Exposé: “Perception walks. An aesthetic research method for beyond-human-designers?”
NEWS · 09. Juli 2022
We are happy to show you our first visual exposé about our collaborative project “Perception walks. An aesthetic research method for beyond-human-designers?”
WORKSHOP: Documenting, collecting and organizing surface aesthetics
NEWS · 27. Mai 2022
Workshop for the student symposium is done!

sustainable corporate design
NEWS · 26. Mai 2022
For the sustainability student conference in Würzburg I was allowed to develop sustainable name badges.
Aesthetic and Perception · 19. Dezember 2021
This Camera came to me as a birthday present three days before I was moving to Würzburg. Actually the camera was for documenting the birthday party, but we forgot it. So this camera was moving with me to the new town... in this new adventure.

Aesthetic and Perception · 17. November 2021
DON'T TOUCH, JUST LOOK! - Blue velvet on furniture, dead bears on the ground... while I visited Castle Drachenburg I took a lot of pictures of the interior. On the one hand this old stuff look very impressiv, on the other hand it feels a little bit cheesy - whithout this castle atmosphere, high windows, small (not effective, but atmospheric) lamps. The hole architecture is designed for this magical und stunning way the sun is shining through the curtains and drapes. Shiny surfaces: lacquered...
Aesthetic and Perception · 04. November 2021
Looking around is quite normal to us. Walking around is natural. Wherever we were, we left marks, traces and tracks. But what´s about other... other beings than humans? I´m doing surface photography since ten years, but it is not all that long ago I realized that there is more about that. There ist more then colour and texture we can use for "inspiration" and artistic stuff.